
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How did Rajni appear white in Sivaji?

Producer AVM Saravanan and MS Guhan and cinematographer K V Anand got together at AVM studios today to reveal the mystery behind Rajnikanth appearing white in the song ‘Oru Kudai’ in Sivaji. According to Anand it is an attempt never done in the history of world cinema."We tried out skin grafting technology", he said.

The idea was made by Shankar and with the help of Indian Arts we managed to make it a reality. We shot Rajni and an English girl separately and later combined using skin grafting. The Indian Arts took 365 days to complete skin grafting for the 6000 frames in the song. The song was shot for 16 days in Billbaw museum in Spain. It is a result of hard work.

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